

Contact the Law Office of Andrew Thompson PLLC for help with mediation.

Turn to a mediation attorney in Bell County, Texas, to learn more about your rights and options.

At the Law Office of Andrew Thompson PLLC, I encourage people to work through difficult situations through mediation. When it is possible, it provides an opportunity for individuals to remain more in control over their decision rather than allowing the court to make those decisions for them. To facilitate this, I offer comprehensive mediation services. Call on my help for support in areas of family law, workplace, or other civil disputes. 

In every situation, you want to be able to work to protect your rights and minimize your risks. Mediation is a powerful tool to enable that. It can also be less expensive than having to go to court for decisions to be made for you. Whether you are facing divorce, child custody and support matters, estate-related matters, or business law, I encourage you to set up a consultation to discuss your needs with a trusted mediation attorney in Bell and the surrounding Texas Counties first.

Contact my office to set up an appointment for mediation. I can provide in person service with a suitable host sight, or I can provide virtual service through zoom. I serve all of Bell County and the surrounding areas. Expect personalized service from an attorney that is committed to providing you with exceptional legal representation no matter what you are facing.

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